First published in the Career Opportunities Column in the Gleaner newspaper, Jamaica, on February 23, 1994, to mark the 5th visit of Her Majesty the Queen to Jamaica and to recognise her remarkable career. It is a flashback and is followed by a Tribute in written after her passing, in recognition, respect and thanks for her life of service.
Gillian Rowlands
Are You In the Right Job?
Most working people experience the odd bout of ‘Monday Morning Blues’ on days when nothing seems to go right and the question ‘Am I in the right Job?’ raises itself. Perseverance or tenacity or both help most of us to hang in there until the cloud passes and we find renewed interest and meaning in what we do. For some people however, the cloud lingers and work becomes a daily chore, a frustrating grind, something to survive or worst of all a boring meaningless routine.
When this type of syndrome sets in, it is time to take stock of the situation and the way you feel about yourself, your job and the direction in which you are heading. Failure to do this may lead to a sense of personal failure or inadequacy, poor on the job performance and can ultimately defeat the chance of achieving satisfaction, stimulation and success in your working life.
Gillian Rowlands
How To Sell Yourself In Interviews
There are not many of passages of lorem ipsum available alteration in some form. Donec scelerisque dolor id nunc dictum, interdum gravida…
Gillian Rowlands